A friend of mine recently posted one of my favorite poems "The Strands of Time." In this poem, Longfellow describes the path to greatness as laden with difficulty, and he states that the struggle is worth the effort because others will be able to follow in the footsteps that have already been made. Then, at the very end of the poem, Longfellow says something simple yet profound. The last line reads, "Learn to labor and to wait."
Some people believe that success only includes head-splitting labor and fatiguing physical toil. However, Longfellow captures the two sides of "excelsior" living in an easily over-looked line. Working and waiting are both required to achieve success. Yes, striving is necessary, but the time will come when no amount of striving will place one any further ahead. What can one do when he is faced with an insurmountable challenge? When no amount of arm-flailing or frustration-shouting gains any ground, what is then left to do? The answer is simply nothing. Nothing.
"How can you say that?" a reader might query. "Why would you give up like that?" I have tried everything that I possibly can to make sure that I am well enough to go back to school this spring. I have been to doctors and experts; I have prayed my heart out to God; and I have gone to His Word and fellowshipped with His Spirit to try to gain answers about what I should do next. I have stayed up many nights crying because my soul is so troubled, yet I have received nothing with which I can make a decision about my future health and future education. What can I do now? What options are left? None. I can do nothing.
Depressing picture, huh? Well, I only told you about my part. The best is yet to come, for you see, when I am at my weakest, God can be at His strongest. He does not work when I feel that I am at my strongest, for at that point, I am trying to work things out myself. When I cease my labor for sheer exhaustion, God can then begin to change me, and He has been changing me. The best part of all of this is that each time I fall, God is willing to help me back up. Each time I question, God tenderly hushes my cry. Each time I struggle against the pain, God presses me against Himself to shield me from myself. Each time I try to fix things on my own, God tears up what I have muddled, and He makes me whole.
Working and Waiting, Working and Waiting.
For me, now is the time to wait.
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